Learning • Living • Working

Accelerating the transition to a low-carbon planet. Net-Zero provides a wealth of resources to grow knowledge, nurture net-zero living, and cultivate climate action at work.

Net-Zero The Book

Grow your knowledge by exploring excerpts, graphics, and videos from CLIMATE CHANGE and the road to NET-ZERO. The book blows away the entrenched idea that solving global warming requires a trade-off between the economy and environment.

Net-Zero Action

Take action on climate change. Explore book reviews, company profiles, and how-to guides to help nurture your net-zero journey through work, life, and money.

Climate Change Kitchen

The world’s most popular dishes, both meat and plant-based, with each recipe hacked to lower the carbon footprint, reduce the calorie count, and provide a better balance of nutrients with no compromise on taste.

Net-Zero Consulting

Impact-led, value-add services include: workshops, presentations & writing; techno-economic due-diligence; net-zero & decarbonization strategy, risk analysis & reporting.

NET-ZERO offers an opportunity to create a sustainable global system which is cheaper, more resilient, more productive, and provides a better quality of life for all”

*Image Credits: Unsplash by Nasa (Earth), Selling Pix (Mini Planet), Thought Catalogue (Books), Action Vance (Clouds)